Friday, January 22, 2010

Dehydrated Yogurt My Son Refuses To Eat His Stage 3 Baby Food, What Should I Give Him?

My son refuses to eat his stage 3 baby food, what should I give him? - dehydrated yogurt

My child refuses to eat his baby. Everything what is accepted, is a graduate Gerber Cheese Puffs, parents the choice of whiffs of corn and cheese, the wagon wheels, yogurt and dried substance. He only wants tiny finger food and want to be sure you have enough to eat. It seems that things do not want all the calculations and try to give a new variety, but want to make sure you get enough nutrients. Has anyone else this problem? My sister has a child of 2 years and has assured me that it is normal.


gypsy g said...

Common foods. If you feel that your baby for Step 3 (top) food that is prepared to admit that a regular food instead. I almost fell over on the Stage 3 Foods. I tried a bottle ... my poor child gagged so bad, but she had eaten food regularly to other cases not gag. Therefore, it was clear to me. If you can not hide ready for solid food in the dirt, like the stage 3 foods. Put on a plate or tray and let him see, smell and eat. In this way they can prepare for the structure and size are about to put into my mouth.
Think about it. Here, too, think your child that he / she is about food for babies who get eaten them for several months. You know the baby food, the food just slides into the neck. Then all of a sudden be in the center lane, it's not like the stuff you've been feeding. This material has about hidden rooms! GAGGGG.
Feed him soft-boiled, cut into small pieces of very tender meat, pasta. Berries into small pieces. Anything that can crush or dissolve inMouth.
ps. Never try anything new unsupervised. Just in case. And you'll be amazed at the foods that can manage to be able to.
One of my favorites is the vegetable mixture. I want to make a big pot and pour the vegetables. He loved her. The vegetables were very soft, even green beans.

smedrik said...

You do not need the third phase of the diet, when a baby ready to eat ready for the third phase of the table.

Just cut small pieces of food cooked and allow to feed baby.

Although supervised, of course.

Rachael said...

less give and take, perhaps, the second step, to see if you want a better

Rachael said...

less give and take, perhaps, the second step, to see if you want a better

Ginevra said...

Yes, remember, but that Phase 3 is good for mothers and fathers who know exactly how much baby eats like. If you feed your pot Froma, you can accurately know how many vitamins, fat, salt, etc., that you eat. My son chose to stay in step 3, in most cases more than one year. There are regular food without added salt. Beware of Salt - Babies should not - and make sure your baby get the nutrients it needs.

and babies, such as cookies. He wants a chip with a plate of spaghetti, if it is not cool? This is normal. Know exactly when to say, no. " Surprises, such as trains are good, but not a substitute for real food. You might try bananas, sliced. VERY cut slices. And make sure they are ripe, so easy to chew. To play variety of baby food on a plate and the ickiness of certain foods or spoon used to feed them. Do not let it control them. You know what you need. It will not cover your hands with spaghetti and I think to cut. If alll else fails, I do not know how old your babyBut once they reach a year, parents have the choice Pediactrics this drink is very good and good for them, such as Pediasure. If you are still secure in the formula that you need more protein and vitamins for the child tries - trains, crackers vegetable bits, etc. - and I know he gets what it needs on the formula.

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